Welcome to the large variant explorer!

This website houses interactive plots for exploring large (>0.1 Mb) copy-number variants from the Panicum. hallii fast neutron population (FNP).

The y-axis values were calculated to approximate ploidy across the x-axis intervals:
- Each observation reports copy number across 7 adjacent (after filtering) intervals of ~10Kb.
- The x-axis position is the midpoint of the 7 intervals being summarized.
- The y-axis is the median value of copy number across the 7 intervals.

This data is visualized with two primary statistics:
- Hexagons: the frequency of bins of position and copy number across the population being visualized.
- Points: the median value of copy number across intervals where this value exceeds 0.5 away from diploid.

Multi-sample multi-chromosome plots
Clicking on points in these plots will take you to that chromosome's multi-sample plot.
Note: These are large (~40Mb) files and will take a bit to load and render.

Multi-sample single-chromosome plots
Clicking on points in these plots will take you to that sample's multi-chromosome plot. Clicking on those points will take you to the single-chromosome plot for that line.

Single-line plots This section takes you to single-sample plots based on the sample ID.